неділя, 15 червня 2014 р.

Zeta Movie - Part 2 (B): The Cataclysm

VIDEO - https://vimeo.com/57677328

What the months and weeks leading up to the Pole Shift hold for mankind?
What will the Cataclysm itself entail?
What will life in the Aftertime become, and What can those who want to survive do to Prepare?

неділя, 21 серпня 2011 р.

ZetaMovie 2 - Signs of the Times

VIDEO - https://vimeo.com/21878441

planet Earth is showing Signs of a pending Pole Shift, a global cataclysm brought forth by the rearrival of Nibiru, a planet from ancient Sumerian myths.

world powers know about the pending destruction, but are not announcing it, in order to take advantage of the Common Man's ignorance...

ZetaMovie 1 - Past Cataclysms

VIDEO - https://vimeo.com/9104959

ZetaTalk: Aliens, Pole Shift and spiritual growth

Ice Age: fact or fiction?
What happened to frozen Mammoths?
Why there were ice ages in the tropics?

... this and lot more